New Year, New YOU, New Smile (Invisalign®)!

The holiday's are officially behind us and 2019 is well under way. If you are anything like us, you probably have set a new goal for the year. Why not make your dental health a goal as well? One way to achieve this could be by undergoing Invisalign® treatment.

Did you know that orthodontics (braces), aren't just for children anymore? Whether you are 8 years old or 80, your appearance and smile are an important part of your life. After all, your smile is one of the first impressions made to others. If you have crooked teeth, you may feel self-conscious about yourself. Invisalign can improve your smile and boost your self-confidence.

A few of the benefits to Invisalign treatment:

*We start the process by utilizing digital impressions and photos, verses traditional impressions with impression material.

*After the lab has received the digital impressions, we will collaborate and design your new smile. You then will be able to see what your new smile will look like before even starting treatment.

*Clear aligners are used to gradually move the teeth over a period of time verses traditional metal wires and brackets. This allows you to undergo treatment without most people even being aware of it!

*Improve your health by correcting a bad bite, crooked teeth, and some abnormalities of the jaw which can make it easier to keep your teeth and gums clean. By doing so, you could help prevent cavities and gum disease.

*Straightening teeth can reduce the risk of damaged teeth. Crooked and misaligned teeth have a higher rate of being chipped or fractured.

If you still aren't convinced about Invisalign, check out our special below for a limited time! You will be able to see what your new smile could look like at no cost to you. *Exclusions may apply, please inquire within.

Remember, it's NEVER too late to improve your smile and boost your self-confidence!
