Enter if You Dare...

It's time for our annual Halloween costume contest! This year we want to see YOU or YOUR PET in your Halloween costumes. One lucky winner will be the recipient of an electric toothbrush and a pet prize! Winner announced in the beginning of November.

How to enter:

1. Go to our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/plymouthadvanceddentists/

2. If you haven't already done so, "Like" us on Facebook.

3. Look for the picture below on our page. (The picture is a dog dressed up as a ghost.)

4. Take a picture of yourself and/or your pet and upload it in the comments section of our post by November 3rd!

That's it! Good luck to all that enter! Have a fun and safe Halloween!

#Halloween #CostumeContest #Selfie #Pet #AdvancedDentalCareClnic #Dental
