"Biologic Width: The Key to Successful Dental Crown Restorations"
When a dental crown (a type of dental restoration that covers the entire surface of a tooth) is placed, it is important to maintain a proper distance between the crown and the gum and bone interface tissue. This distance, known as the biologic width, helps to protect the gum tissue from injury and ensure the long-term health of the tooth.
The biologic width is typically around 3 millimeters, and it is important to maintain this distance when preparing a tooth for a crown. If the crown is placed too close to the gum tissue, it can cause irritation and inflammation, leading to problems such as gum recession and tooth sensitivity. On the other hand, if the crown is placed too far from the gum tissue, it can create a gap that can trap bacteria and lead to tooth decay.
One way to ensure that the biologic width is properly maintained during crown preparation is to use a hard and soft tissue laser, such as the Biolase Waterlase®. A waterlase®is a type of dental tool that uses a beam of laser energy and a stream of water to precisely cut and shape the tooth, gum, and bone tissue. The waterlase can be used to prepare the tooth for a crown in a way that maintains the proper distance from the gum tissue the same time the crown is prepared rather than doing it in a separate appointment.
In contrast, clinics that do not have a waterlase laser may resort to more invasive techniques, such as surgical crown preparation, to maintain the proper biologic width. Alternatively, the biologic width may be ignored entirely, leading to long-term problems for the tooth and gum tissue.
Advanced dental care routinely uses and has introduced waterlase® Laser technology to the Plymouth and Sheboygan community, making it easier to follow the biologic width protocol and ensure the long-term health of teeth and gum tissue. It ensures better outcomes and long-term results of the restorations While saving patients their time and extra trips to the dental specialist and fewer appointments. The benefits of observing the biologic width may not be immediately apparent; a proper width can significantly improve periodontal health and the crown's longevity over time. If you see dark red or purple lines around the margins of the crowns, it could be a sign of inflammation and gum disease induced by invading biologic width. In addition, the use of a waterlase® can often be less invasive and more comfortable for patients compared to traditional surgical techniques. Overall, the adoption of waterlase® laser technology in advanced dental clinic is helping to improve the quality and effectiveness of crown treatments and promote better oral health for patients.
By bringing this cutting-edge technology to the community, advanced dental care clinic is setting a standard for crown preparations and paving the way for a brighter future in oral healthcare. So the next time you need a crown, choose a dental clinic that follows biologic width protocol and uses waterlase® technology – your smile will thank you!